Wastewater Treatment Plants
Fibreglass is a proven material for gas and liquid streams at wastewater treatment plants worldwide. It provides total corrosion resistance to gas with hydrogen sulphide and other corrosive gases. Fibreglass is corrosion resistance outside as well, ideal for wastewater treatment plants close to the sea and corrosive salt laden air. Fibreglass is used for tanks, pipes, ducts, covers, fans, coatings, and more. Armatec offers a wide range of odour treatment technologies to eliminate odours from inlet works, primary works, solids handling and more. Consult our chemical engineers with your situation.
Featured Projects
The two sludge tanks at Carey’s Gully store sewage sludge pumped from the Moa Point wastewater treatment plant located about 10 kilometers away. Due to the age of the sludge, considerable quantities of corrosive hydrogen sulphide gas are released within the tanks. H2S concentrations over 50 ppm have been recorded, and resulted in severe corrosion to the concrete walls and concrete roof of these two tanks.
Air given off from the biosolids treatment plant at Watercare’s Mangere wastewater treatment plant contains ammonia and odours. This air had to be captured and ducted away for treatment in soil bed filters. However firstly the ammonia had to be removed as it would have had an adverse effect on the soil bed filter biology.
There are two problems faced by all wastewater pump stations: corrosion and odour. Typical concrete pump stations corrode within 20 years of installation, and do not meet the requirement of a 50 year design life required in municipal applications. Corrosion is worse when there are long residence times in the system, as the wastewater can go anaerobic and produce significant quantities of corrosive hydrogen sulphide.
Treated effluent from a traditional oxidation pond had excessive amounts of phosphorus and suspended solids, exceeding legal limits. This was having an adverse effect on the Ohinemuri River through the Karangahake Gorge, a popular recreational area...