Odour Control
Reduce odour discharges...
Hydrogen sulphide odours from pump stations are a common problem. As a pump station fills with wastewater, air is displaced and along with it hydrogen sulphide and other noxious odours. A common hydrogen sulphide concentration in air discharged from a pump station is only 1ppm to 2ppm, but this is a major problem as the odour threshold for hydrogen sulphide is just 0.005ppm.
For large pump stations, usual practice is to extract the odorous air from the pump station with a fan, and then treat the air with either a biological scrubber, a purpose designed carbon adsorption bed, or a soil bed filter. However for smaller pump stations requiring only small air extraction rates, a far simpler solution is an Armatec Green Dome filter.
Featured Projects
Armatec designed and installed a >99% efficient biological scrubbing system for the award-winning Pines II Rolleston wastewater treatment plant.
The Tasman District Council had a small WWTP serving a 7500–10500 population which swelled in Summer.
A large food processing plant located in the middle of a residential area was causing nuisance odours for local residents. Plus the plant wanted to increase its production.
A retirement village was built on the site of an old landfill, closed many years earlier. The developer had to control methane emissions from the landfill, and installed a number of bores to extract gases from the landfill. The challenge was to dispose of the methane without any odour complaints from the hydrogen sulphide gas that came out of the wells with the methane.
The air stream discharged from the sulphur melter contained high levels of both hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide. The soild bed filter could not cope and numerous complaints were being received from neighbours...
This Green Dome is saving an Australian client $70,000 per year.