
Papers - Published by Armatec Engineers
Independent Testing
Armatec's standard marine exhaust tubing and WhispaPipe factory insulated marine exhaust tubing have been tested to and passed tests specified by "IMO Resolution A.753(18), Appendix 2". This test requires the water filled pipe to maintain its structural integrity for at least 30 minutes in the event of a fire. The testing institute was SP Fire Technology of Sweden.
Manhole Installation
Installing an all fibreglass pump station
Installation of a fibreglass manhole complete with integral flume. Manufactured by Armatec Environmental, New Zealand.
Armatec fibreglass products used at the Mangere Wastewater Treatment Plant in Auckland, New Zealand.
Armatec fibreglass products used at the Mangere wastewater treatment plant in auckland, New Zealand. Includes covers, hoods, ducting, dampers, fans, scrubber, pipework, and an acid tank.
Installing an all fibreglass pump station. Manufactured by Armatec Environmental, New Zealand. Supplied by Xylem, New Zealand
Algae & Phosphorus Removal Waihi
Tertiary wastewater treatment plant removing algae and phosphorus from Waihi oxidation pond effluent. Plant designed and built by Armatec Environmental, New Zealand.