Marine Wet Exhaust — Armatec Environmental Ltd

Marine Wet Exhaust

Corrosion-resistant and fire-resistant fibreglass exhaust pipe for Super Yachts

A complete range of standard fibreglass marine exhaust tubing, bends, tees, flanges, and reducers fabricated in 100% corrosion resistant fibreglass. The main resin system used is Armatec's C64 based on Hetron 197 that is an accepted marine survey material.

Manufactured in New Zealand to international standards, using materials and technology sourced internationally.  Some diameters of tubing and a number of fittings are stocked for immediate delivery.  For non stocked items, typical lead times for manufacture are 1 to 3 weeks.

Other accessories such as silencers, mufflers, separators etc are available on request. Armatec specialises in fabricating these to your specific design and layout. This enables you to use the specifications from the engine manufacturers and designers, and then we make adjustments for the available space on your vessel.


Typical tubing sizes include 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300 diameter and larger sizes. Reducers and spigots are available to fit standard flexible rubber hoses to couple to marine engines.


  • Engine exhaust tubing. 
  • Engine exhaust silencers and mufflers. 
  • Engine exhaust surge chambers. 
  • Engine exhaust intake tubing. 
  • Air ducting for air conditioning. 
  • Fittings such as bends, tees, flanges etc.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Corrosion Resistant: Fibreglass tubing is corrosion resistant inside and outside and is ideal for handling the corrosive engine gases and seawater. 
  • Fire Resistant: Maintains structural integrity for at least 30 minutes in event of fire. Passes the most stringent international tests for heat distortion and flame spread
  • Less Maintenance: As the fibreglass tubing does not corrode or rust it requires very little ongoing maintenance.
  • UV Resistant: An external UV resistant coating can be applied to stop deterioration by UV radiation.
  • Easy Installation: The light weight of fibreglass makes installation easy. Standard installation procedures are followed for hangers and expansion joints.
  • Leak Free Joints: Tube lengths and fittings are typically joined by the standard butt and strap method giving a leak free system. 
  • Comes fitted with acoustic insulation.
Download the Marine Exhaust Tubing Handbook

Download the Marine Exhaust Tubing Handbook

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