Fibreglass Pipes & Fittings

High quality contact moulded fibreglass piping & fittings with proven chemical resistance to a wide range of chemicals.
High quality contact moulded fibreglass piping & fittings with proven chemical resistance to a wide range of chemicals.
For use in sewers and drainage for pulp and paper mills, chlorine and chlorine dioxide, fibreglass chemical drains at dairy factories for corrosive spent CIP liquors, WWTPs, corrosive streams at pulp & paper industry.
Types Available
- Pipe
- Swept elbows
- Flanges
- Tees
- Wyes
- Reducers
- Blanks etc
- Pressures to 15 bar (150 psi)
- Pipe for buried installation in stiffness options to SN10,000.
- Pulp and Paper Bleach filtrate
- Trade waste sewers
- Dairy chemical CIP sewers
- Petrochemical water mains, demin plant
- Fertiliser HFA liquor
- Chemical industry corrosive liquids
- Steel plant acid lines, waste treatment
- Electroplating corrosive liquids
- Wastewater pipinging
Key Features
- High quality contact moulded fibreglass pipe with proven chemical resistance to a wide range of chemicals.
- Wide range of resin systems, design and construction versatility available.
- Reliable and economic way to handle liquids containing corrosive chemicals
- Light-weight and easy to lift runs of pipe into place
- Corrosion resistant inside and out