Fibreglass Valve Chambers

Factory-built valve chambers for corrosion-free, lightweight, fast installation, and no leaks.
Options are shallow sump with a sump pump, or a gravity drain. Designed to work in conjunction with fibreglass pump stations and Green Dome Odour Filters to provide same leak-free, corrosion resistant and odour-free benefits.
Valve assemblies are factory installed, so when the valve chamber arrives at site it is ready to install. This can save you a lot of time organising the various suppliers and trades personnel to site fabricate the valve chamber and site fit the valves.
The fibreglass walls of the valve chamber are designed and built to withstand soil and vehicle loads. In cases where there are heavy traffic loads over the top, please consult Armatec for specific design. For us, it is only a matter of thickening and stiffening the valve chamber walls to suit the additional load. In extreme cases a concrete slab can be fitted or poured over the top of the valve chamber.
Round Valve Chambers
The traditional round valve chamber can be supplied in our range of standard diameters; 1070, 1200, 1480, 1830, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3050 and 3500mm. Round valve chambers are easily custom adapted for one off orders to suit specific client requirements.
Rectangular Valve Chambers
Armatec is developing a range of rectangular fibreglass valve chambers to suit client requirements. Two options are available; with and without a magflow meter. Obviously the one with the magflow meter is longer to allow the pipes to join together and have a straight length of pipe before the magflow meter. We welcome your enquiries and requirements for rectangular valve chambers.
Key Features
- Fibreglass valve chambers offer the same benefits as fibreglass pump stations; no corrosion, light in weight, fast installation, and no leaks
- Any type of valve can be used to suit client specifications
- Valves are installed with sufficient room for later servicing
- Hatch options are available. Typically the fibreglass top of the valve chamber is a rectangular flange, and any flange style lid can be bolted to this.
- Anti-flotation measures are designed into the valve chambers, to avoid the problem of floating or 'popping out' of the ground in high water table areas.