Telling Armatec’s sustainability story. Development of Sustainability Programme with support from ThinkStepANZ. Celebrating achievements to date & encouraging sharing across sectors & supply chains.
Armatec 40 Years & Now Carbon Net Zero Certified
Zero Waste
Armatec has joined the Resource Wise Business Program with Silver Status
Armatec has achieved the silver stage in the New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) Resource Wise Business Program.
The audit conducted by NPDC waste minimisation officers showed 64% diversion of waste from landfill to alternative solutions such as recycling or reuse. Acheiving silver status.
Our passionate team is now focused on working to the next goal towards zero waste - gold status (70% diversion) and participating in our local mentoring program to encourage and support other organisations to reduce their waste to landfill.
More about the NPDC zero waste 2040 goal and Taranaki's waste minimistation plan is available on their website.