Armatec 40 Years & Now Carbon Net Zero Certified

Celebrating the past 40 years - ready for the next 40!

Armatec Environmental Ltd is proud to announce that we have been in operation for 40 years and as part of our celebrations we have become a Toitū carbon net zero certified organisation in line with ISO 14064-1.  This means that we are committed to managing our greenhouse gas emissions, reducing these emissions and offsetting what we can’t with certified carbon credits we can all trust.

We became carbonzero because we understand that it is important for Armatec to play our part in the global effort to minimise global warming to 1.5 degrees.  We know from experience that what gets measured gets managed and so we have made carbonzero part of our Quality Management System.  Armatec Environmental Ltd is committed to a future where managing emissions becomes business as usual.

Armatec’s mission to work with industry to reduce emissions to the environment has provided guidance for our 40 years of operation.  Completing our carbon footprint now has allowed us to make science based targets and identify priority areas in the work to further target improvement projects to reduce carbon emissions into the future.  Because we know we all need to be better and do better.

We have included our fibreglass key raw materials in our operational carbon zero certification system.  This provides added value to our air pollution control solutions that use corrosion resistant, high strength, long life, repairable, light weight fibreglass, designed & made to order.  Giving our customers the assurance that we are serious about supply chain responsibility, by including our fibreglass in our carbonzero certification to assist in managing capital carbon in their projects.

This is one step in the transformations we see are necessary for businesses for the next 40 years.

More about Toitū EnviroCare & the Armatec disclosure statement is available here:

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