Project Date
Three Pratt & Whitney ‘jet engine’ turbines had to be firmly secured to its foundation with a grout that can handle any vibrations, physical loads, oil spills and the like. Plus the grout selected had to have a consistency that enabled it be to flowed around and under the hold down positions.

ArmaGrout MG was used for the critical foundations at the oil fired 155 megawatt power station opened at Whirinaki in 2004. This is a reserve power station and will be used when there is a risk of power shortages such as at times of low hydro-lake levels. At the heart of the power station are three Pratt & Whitney "jet engine" turbines and it is under these that ArmaGrout MG was used to tie them to the concrete foundation. ArmaGrout MG has a compressive strength in excess of 90 MPa, has good flow characteristics, incorporates low toxicity raw materials, and is readily available at short lead times in New Zealand.
The turbines are firmly anchored to their foundation, and ready to come on stream at any time. This is a reserve power station that starts up when there is a risk of power shortages