Coatings & Linings
Protect steel and concrete surfaces from corrosive liquids and gases with heavy duty coatings and linings with barrier technology.
Ideal in chemical tanks, bunds, sumps, floors, drains, trenches, chemical plant structures. With ultra low permeability for long, minimal maintenance life. Premium vinyl ester and epoxy resins for heavy duty chemical resistance to prevent leakage and pollution to groundwater. Gives long term protection of your steel ad concrete assets including tanks, bunds, sumps & floors. Wide-range of use and historical performance in many industries shows versatility and proven effectiveness. Concrete rehabilitation and reinforcement options available.
Both supplied and installed by Armatec for an expert application and complete warranty.
Featured Projects

A large Auckland brewery was encountering high effluent disposal costs, including repairs to municipal sewers caused by their corrosive acidic effluent. They determined to convert an existing mostly underground concrete storage tank to a neutralisation tank, but faced the problem of corrosion in this tank.
Three Pratt & Whitney ‘jet engine’ turbines had to be firmly secured to its foundation with a grout that can handle any vibrations, physical loads, oil spills and the like. Plus the grout selected had to have a consistency that enabled it be to flowed around and under the hold down positions.
The bottoms of the steel methanol storage tanks were becoming badly pitted due to water accumulation at the base of the tank, to the point where the storage security of methanol was in question. The epoxy coating previously installed 8 to 10 years earlier had failed.