Chemical & Waste Containment
Contain hazardous chemicals & waste with fibreglass products suitable for handling corrosive gases and fluids.
Products include: fibreglass ducting, dampers, tank covers, hoods, stacks, pipes, sewers, tanks, sumps, manholes, pump stations, flumes, clarifier accessories, and vortex dropper formers. All products are contact moulded for maximum chemical resistance. Designed and manufactured to international standards at our dedicated fibreglass manufacturing plant in New Plymouth, New Zealand.
Featured Projects

The two sludge tanks at Carey’s Gully store sewage sludge pumped from the Moa Point wastewater treatment plant located about 10 kilometers away. Due to the age of the sludge, considerable quantities of corrosive hydrogen sulphide gas are released within the tanks. H2S concentrations over 50 ppm have been recorded, and resulted in severe corrosion to the concrete walls and concrete roof of these two tanks.
A lightweight fibreglass Armatec manhole replaced a badly corroded and leaking 100 year old concrete manhole in Devonport, Auckland.
The bottoms of the steel methanol storage tanks were becoming badly pitted due to water accumulation at the base of the tank, to the point where the storage security of methanol was in question. The epoxy coating previously installed 8 to 10 years earlier had failed.
Underground wastewater drains from Dairy Factories need to handle a range of acidic and caustic solutions, at temperatures up to 90ºC. Traditional materials such as earthenware, plastic and stainless steel had all proven unsatisfactory, resulting in leaks of chemicals into the ground.